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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The best way of dying.

Disclaimer: Before commenting on anything about this post, please note that this isnt a post to influence people to commit suicide. Do also note that I'm not emoing, or trying to attract attention for this post. It's just a sudden urge from a dream.
Note: I am too lazy to include any picture, it will just be a chunk of paragraphs. Boring? Then scram lah =.=
Topic: Whats the perfect way of dying?

Method No1. Jump down from building:
Seriously, this method is tried by almost 70 percent of Singaporeans who tried to commit suicide. For me, its a big no. Imagine jumping down from a building which is 20 storey high (the average height of most HDBs), and when you jump down, around the height of 10 storey ,you will already be out of breath. It may be a very good way to die lah, but imagine if you were rescued. What would've become of you by then? Living in a half dead condition, which is like more jialat than getting stabbed.

Method No2. Sleeping pills:
Haha okay! Thats the way I always thought is the easiest way to die lah -.- But some stupid freaky show which I saw on channel 8,tell me which by sleeping pills, it will be the worst way to die. Because your body will slowly rot and you are like tahaning another half dead condition. Stupid rightz. I always thought that sleeping pills is the easiest way to die. Ok stupid thinking whatever shitz k!

Method No3. Self mutilating:
Ok I am going to say this " Self mutilating is the most stupid way of dying". I mean, whats the point of self mutilating when you already want to die. Its like directly experiencing a half dead life lah -.-Stupid ignorant foools. " If i cut, i will feel pain and nothing else" . Stupid ! :D

[ok to be continued :D]


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